For more information about how to obtain an access token, see our getting started guide.
Request Messages
Request Message | Response Message Types | Description |
| ack obs_air obs_sky obs_st evt_strike evt_precip |
Start listening for all new observations and events for a device_id. Each new observation sent by the Device will be pushed to the client as soon as possible. All Device events will be immediatly pushed. |
| ack | Stop listening for all messages for a Device. |
| ack rapid_wind |
Start listening for rapid 3 second wind data for a Sky Device. |
| ack | Stop listening for rapid data messages for a Device. |
Response Messages
Acknowledgement [type = ack]
Rain Start Event [type = evt_precip]
Lightning Strike Event [type = evt_strike]
Index | Field | Units |
0 | Time Epoch | Seconds |
1 | Distance | km |
2 | Energy |
Rapid Wind [type = rapid_wind] (3 second interval)
Index | Field | Units |
0 | Time Epoch | Seconds |
1 | Wind Speed | m/s |
2 | Wind Direction | Degrees |
Observation (Air) [type = obs_air]
Index | Field | Units |
0 | Time Epoch | Seconds |
1 | Station Pressure | MB |
2 | Air Temperature | C |
3 | Relative Humidity | % |
4 | Lightning Strike Count | |
5 | Lightning Strike Avg Distance | km |
6 | Battery | Volts |
7 | Report Interval | Minutes |
Observation (Sky) [type = obs_sky]
Index | Field | Units |
0 | Time Epoch | Seconds |
1 | Illuminance | Lux |
2 | UV | Index |
3 | Rain Accumulated | mm |
4 | Wind Lull (minimum 3 second sample) | m/s |
5 | Wind Avg (average over report interval) | m/s |
6 | Wind Gust (maximum 3 second sample) | m/s |
7 | Wind Direction | Degrees |
8 | Battery | Volts |
9 | Report Interval | Minutes |
10 | Solar Radiation | W/m^2 |
11 | Local Daily Rain Accumulation | mm |
12 | Precipitation Type | 0 = none, 1 = rain, 2 = hail |
13 | Wind Sample Interval | seconds |
14 | Rain Accumulated Final (Rain Check) | mm |
15 | Local Daily Rain Accumulation Final (Rain Check) | mm |
16 | Precipitation Analysis Type | 0 = none 1 = Rain Check with user display on 2 = Rain Check with user display off |
Observation (Tempest) [type = obs_st]
"obs": [[1603481377,0,0.09,0.54,33,6,1014.8,28.8,71,16639,1.83,139,0,0,0,0,2.42,1,0.07615,null,null,0]]
Index | Field | Units |
0 | Time Epoch | Seconds |
1 | Wind Lull (minimum 3 second sample) | m/s |
2 | Wind Avg (average over report interval) | m/s |
3 | Wind Gust (maximum 3 second sample) | m/s |
4 | Wind Direction | Degrees |
5 | Wind Sample Interval | seconds |
6 | Station Pressure | MB |
7 | Air Temperature | C |
8 | Relative Humidity | % |
9 | Illuminance | Lux |
10 | UV | Index |
11 | Solar Radiation | W/m^2 |
12 | Rain Accumulated | mm |
13 | Precipitation Type | 0 = none, 1 = rain, 2 = hail |
14 | Lightning Strike Avg Distance | km |
15 | Lightning Strike Count | |
16 | Battery | Volts |
17 | Report Interval | Minutes |
18 | Local Daily Rain Accumulation | mm |
19 | Rain Accumulated Final (Rain Check) | mm |
20 | Local Daily Rain Accumulation Final (Rain Check) | mm |
21 | Precipitation Analysis Type | 0 = none 1 = Rain Check with user display on 2 = Rain Check with user display off |
Other Useful Information
- A client should only open one websocket connection.
- A client will be disconnected after 10 minutes of idle time.
- All messages are JSON strings.